Intro to Web Development


  • Review
  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Box Model
  • Container Divs

Let's Review...

Basic structure of an HTML page

              <!DOCTYPE html>


The DOCTYPE informs the browser that this file contains HTML5.

html tags

              <!DOCTYPE html>


The html tag wraps all content on the entire page and represents the start and end of an HTML document.

head tags

              <!DOCTYPE html>


Content that will not be displayed to the user. (ie: keywords to help your website surface in search results and CSS to style content.)

body tags

              <!DOCTYPE html>


Content that will be displayed to the user.

HTML Elements

Container HTML Element

              Your Content

Self-Closing HTML Element

              <tagname attribute="value">


A static website has two layers: HTML and CSS

HTML (Structure) vs CSS (Presentation)

Two houses that demonstrate the difference between html and

Review - CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets

"Cascading" refers to the "Cascade", which determines which CSS rule gets applied to our HTML.

Review - CSS

Use the <link> tag inside the <head> tags.

              <!DOCTYPE html>


Review - How to Write CSS

HTML uses tags < >
CSS creates rules { }
Diagram of defining a CSS rule

Image from

Create a Web Page

We will need:

  • Atom, a text editor used to write code
  • Chrome, a browser to render our website
  • A project folder
  • An HTML file
  • A CSS file

HTML Setup

Copy the following HTML

              <!DOCTYPE html>
                  My Website


Welcome to my site!

First paragraph

Second paragraph

</body> </html>

CSS: Type Selectors

Type Selectors are used to select an HTML element type.

Below is a example of using a CSS Type Selector. This will set the background-color for ALL paragraphs.

              p {
                background-color: blue;

Let's Code: Type Selectors

In the .css file, add a CSS rule that:

  1. Selects all <p> tags
  2. Sets the background-color property to blue
              p {
                background-color: blue;

But what if we only want one paragraph to be blue?

CSS: Class Selectors

  • Target HTML elements by using the HTML tag's class attribute.
  • Can be any name you choose
  • Written in lowercase letters
  • Words are separated by hypens

Below is an example of how to add a class attribute to an HTML tag.


Paragraph tag with a class attribute.

CSS: Class Selectors

A class selector is written in the CSS file by placing a period (.) before the class name.

              .my-class-name {
                background-color: yellow;

Let's Code: Class Selectors

In the .html file...

Add a class attribute, with the name "my-class-name", to the first paragraph tag.


First paragraph.

Let's Code: Class Selectors

In the .css file...

  1. Remove the CSS rule that selects all <p> tags.
  2. Add a CSS rule that selects the class name and set the background-color to a new color.
              .my-class-name {
                background-color: yellow;

Type Selectors vs Class Selectors

Type Selectors are very useful as they can target all <p> tags or all <h2> tags.

Class Selectors are important because they can differentiate between HTML elements of the same type.


First paragraph

Second paragraph

Let's Code: Class Selectors

Add a class to the other <p> tag and set the background-color to a different color.


First paragraph

Second paragraph

Sharing CSS Styles

Type and class selectors = Ability to share styles

Ability to share styles = Less Work for you!

Consistently styled buttons

Image from

Buttons are a good example of when we want to share CSS styles.

CSS: ID Selectors

  • Target HTML elements by using the HTML tag's id attribute.
  • Are unique because each ID is only used once
  • Can be any name you choose
  • Written in lowercase letters
  • Words are separated by hypens

Below is an example of how to add an ID attribute to an HTML tag.


Paragraph tag with an ID attribute.

CSS: ID Selectors

An ID selector is written in the CSS file by placing a pound sign (#) before the ID name.

              #my-id-name {
                background-color: purple;

Let's Code: ID Selectors

In the .html file...

  1. Remove the class attribute from the first paragraph
  2. Add the ID attribute, with the name "my-id-name", to the first paragraph.

First paragraph

Let's Code: ID Selectors

In the .css file...

  1. Add a CSS rule that selects the ID attribute name and set the background-color to a color.
              #my-id-name {
                background-color: purple;

Fragment Identifiers

ID attributes can also be used as "fragment identifiers", which let's us link to another section on the same page.

Let's hop in the code and walk through an example.

Let's Code: Use IDs as Links

In the .html file...

  1. After the opening <body> tag, add a paragraph with the ID "top".
  2. Before the closing <body> tag, add a link. However, instead of setting the "href" attribute to a URL, set it to the ID attribute name, "top".

Top of the Page

Go to Top </body>

Let's Code: Use IDs as Links

To see this work, our page needs space between the top and bottom of the page. In the .css file...

  1. Target the "header" class name and set the height property to 2000 pixels.
              .header {
                height: 2000px;

Recap of CSS Selector Types

  1. Type Selectors - selects HTML by tag name
  2. Class Selectors - selects HTML by class name
  3. ID Selectors - selects HTML by ID name
              p {
                color: red;

              .my-class-name {
                color: blue;

              #my-id-name {
                color: purple;

Seeing the world in boxes...

CSS treats all HTML elements as boxes. Some of elements are treated as block boxes and others are treated as inline boxes.

Example of block and inline html elements

Image from

Think inside the box

Section of the dovetail website

Image from

Think inside the box

The dovetail website sectioned into boxes.

Image from

Let's Code: Block and Inline Elements

Replace existing HTML with the following:


Headings Are Block Elements

Paragraphs are blocks, too. However, em and strong elements are not. They are inline elements.

Block elements define the flow of the HTML document, while inline elements do not.

Let's Code: Block and Inline Elements

Replace existing CSS with the following:

              h1 {
                background-color: lightgrey;

              p {
                background-color: lightgrey;

              em {
                background-color: lightblue;

              strong {
                background-color: lightblue;

Block vs Inline Elements

This example demonstrates:

  • Block elements always appear below the previous block element.
  • The width of block elements is set automatically to the parent container. In this case, the browser window.
  • The height of block elements is based on the content it contains. The height adjusts accordingly when the browser window is narrowed.
  • The width of inline elements is based on the content it contains, not the width of the parent element.

Changing Box Behavior

We can override the default box type of HTML elements with the CSS display property. For example, if we want to make an inline element behave like a block element.

              em {
                display: block;

CSS Box Model

To understand how browsers treats each HTML element as a "box", let's examine the CSS Box Model. This Box Model helps us see that each box is composed of four parts: content, padding, border and margin.

Diagram of the CSS box model

Image from

Inspecting the CSS Box Model

To help us along the way, we'll use a helpful browser tool called the inspector To open the inspector, right-click on your website and select "inspect".

Chrome inspector with box model

CSS Box Model - Content

Content - the text, image or media content in the element.

Diagram of the box model content

This is content

CSS Box Model - Padding

Padding - the space between the box's content and its border.

Diagram of the box model padding
              h1 {
                padding: 50px;

Individual Padding Properties

CSS properties that add padding to a specific side of the element.

              h1 {
                padding-top: 20px;
                padding-bottom: 20px;
                padding-left: 10px;
                padding-right: 10px;

Padding Shorthand Format

Diagram of padding property with two values

Image from

              h1 {
                padding: 20px 10px;

Padding Shorthand Format

Diagram of padding property with four values

Image from

              h1 {
                padding: 20px 10px 20px 10px;

CSS Box Model - Borders

Border - The line drawn around the content and padding.

Diagram of the box model border
              h1 {
                border: 1px solid grey;

CSS Box Model - Borders

Diagram of border property with three values

Image from

              h1 {
                border: 1px dotted pink;

Individual Border Properties

Like padding, there are properies that add a border to a specific side of the element.

              h1 {
                border-top: 1px solid pink;
                border-right: 1px solid red;
                border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
                border-left: 1px solid green;

CSS Box Model - Margin

Margin - the space between an element and surrounding elements.

Diagram of the box model margin
              p {
                margin: 50px;

Individual Margin Properties

Like padding, there are properies that add a margin to a specific side of the element.

              h1 {
                margin-top: 10px;
                margin-right: 20px;
                margin-bottom: 10px;
                margin-left: 20px;

Recap CSS Box Properties

The CSS properties padding, border, and margin can be written in the shorthand format, which accepts one to four values OR we can target a specific side.

              h1 {
                margin: /*top right bottom left*/
                margin-top: /*top*/
                margin-right: /*right*/
                margin-bottom: /*bottom*/
                margin-left: /*left*/

Let's Code

Build a section with a title, a paragraph, and a button.

two paragraphs with a button

Image from

Add the Content

Scroll for full content.


Proven Results

Turing is difficult, but worth it. 75% of our students graduate within 7 months, and 92% graduate within 10.5 months. 69% of graduates are employed full-time within 90 days of graduation. By 180 days, the percentage jumps to 80%. They're not project managers or off in a corner doing the stapling. They are full-time software developers in careers they love. Their median salary is $75K and, for most, that's nearly double their previous salary.

We release our student outcomes semi-annually as founding members of the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting.

Style the section header


Proven Results

Assign a class to target specific text:


Proven Results

Style the section header

              .header {
              .header {
                font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
                font-size: 48px;
                font-weight: bold;
                text-align: center;

Style the Paragraphs

Add a class to target the remaining paragraphs


Turing is difficult, but (...etc...)

We release our student outcomes (...etc...)

Style the Paragraphs

Select the font

Center the text

              .content {
              .content {
                font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
                text-align: center;

Add the button

                2016 Student Outcomes Report

Add the button

Add a class to target the button.

                2016 Student Outcomes Report

Style the button

Add a class to target the button.

              .call-to-action {
                text-align: center; /* hmmm... */

This does not work as we cannot center an inline element.

<div> is for Division

We can use the <div> HTML container element to group other HTML elements together.


Proven Results

Turing is difficult, but (...etc...)

We release our student outcomes (...etc...)

2016 Student Outcomes Report

Style the content in the Div

Our current CSS should look like this:

              .container {
                text-align: center;

              .header {
                font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
                font-size: 48px;
                font-weight: bold;

              .content {
                font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;

              .call-to-action {

Add a border & padding to the button

              .call-to-action {
                border: 1px solid #05c2d1;
                padding: 10px 16px;

Apply a height to the button

Links are inline elements, which means we can't adjust their vertical spacing.

But we can change the display type to "inline-block", which treats the width of the element as an inline element but allows us to apply a height.

              .call-to-action {
                border: 1px solid #05c2d1;
                display: inline-block;
                margin-top: 10px;

Style all links

Set the color

Remove default browser styles applied to links

              a {
                color: #05c2d1;
                text-decoration: none;

Final Touches

Set the max-width to limit how wide the text can expand.

When a width has been specified, setting the left and right margin as "auto" as tells the browser to automatically determine the left and right margins itself, which it does by setting them equally.

              .container {
                text-align: center;
                max-width: 70%;
                margin: 0 auto;

Final CSS

              a {
                color: #05c2d1;
                font-weight: bold;
                text-decoration: none;

              .container {
                line-height: 1.7;
                margin: 0 auto;
                max-width: 70%;
                text-align: center;

              .header {
                font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
                font-size: 48px;
                font-weight: bold;
                margin-bottom: 0;

              .content {
                color: #7c8c8e;
                font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;

              .call-to-action {
                border-radius: 4px; /* new */
                border: 1px solid #05c2d1;
                display: inline-block;
                margin-top: 10px;
                padding: 10px 16px;

Final HTML


Proven Results

Turing is difficult, but worth it. 75% of our students graduate within 7 months, and 92% graduate within 10.5 months. 69% of graduates are employed full-time within 90 days of graduation. By 180 days, the percentage jumps to 80%. They're not project managers or off in a corner doing the stapling. They are full-time software developers in careers they love. Their median salary is $75K and, for most, that's nearly double their previous salary.

We release our student outcomes semi-annually as founding members of the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting.

2016 Student Outcomes Report